
My photo
Ledbury, Herefordshire, United Kingdom
Hey, my name's Jan and this is my blog and if you've ended up on this page you're either a pro internet user or I posted my url all over the internet. Anyways, I'm 17 and in college and I just thought I'd make this to share all the random thoughts that pop into my head in the hope that they will interest people. Enjoy =)

Monday, 25 April 2011

Failure is not an option

Live life with no regrets. This is an ideal that everyone has heard/ been told by someone at least once in their life. But, seriously, we're all only human. There's no way that you can go through life without regretting a single thing; if you fail your maths exam, you are obviously going to regret that you didn't revise. Maybe it's not an ideal we should aspire to follow exactly to the letter but rather an ideal to look up to as something that could be attained in a perfect world. If you try to live as closely as possible to that ideal, life would be a thoroughly more enjoyable experience. Instead of not regretting making a mistake, think about the mistake you've made, learn from it and then try and move on. That way, you have no regrets about the entire situation but can use it as a learning experience. And let's face it, learning from a mistake is better than not making a mistake in the first place, nobody's perfect and once you have made that mistake and acknowledged it you learn so much more. This knowledge can then be used in future situations and experiences to help you become a better person and not make the same mistakes again.


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